21. Jul 2021

Cooperation for more biodiversity

Thanks to a cooperation between the BGM Forum, the d.velop campus and Shopmacher, three bee colonies are now moving into a wildflower meadow specially laid out on the campus. The project is supervised by an experienced beekeeper. In the future, the location will be used as a summer quarters for the three bee colonies that will produce the campus honey there. Where and when the honey will be available will be published here soon.

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The bee colonies arrive at their location.

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Bumblebees are just as happy about the wildflower meadow.

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Bee colonies on campus

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wildflower meadow

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CTO Manuel Diekmann

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The bees are already flying.

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The most important ShopTech requirements 2023

The most important ShopTech requirements 2023

The vendor market for commerce solutions is on the move. Experts see a move toward composable commerce and cloud-based solutions. What should a future-proof commerce system look like? Manuel Ludvigsen-Diekmann, CTO of SHOPMACHER, joins two other commerce experts to talk about the most important ShopTech requirements for 2023.

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5 years of partnership with BVB

5 years of partnership with BVB

Our collaboration with BVB kicked off in June 2019, when we were given the mandate to take over the club’s B2B and B2C instances. After a two-month onboarding phase, the first endurance test followed: The players ran out in their special coal and steel jerseys on December 7, 2019 and triggered an incredible run on the club’s store.

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