Discussion beats Study – Campus Day 2023 Campus Day with the WHS Bocholt They came, they saw, and they asked plenty of questions: On October 26, students from the Westfälische Hochschule Bocholt visited the Shopmacher offices to take a behind-the-scenes look at the...
ECC Club Studie 2023: Künstliche Intelligenz „Hello World – Künstliche Intelligenz in Marketing & Vertrieb“ In einer sich rasch entwickelnden digitalen Landschaft ist es unerlässlich, auf dem neuesten Stand der Technologien und Trends zu bleiben, die die...
In the thick of things instead of just being there: How the Bergfreunde made the Shopmacher part of their own development team Since 2019, the e-commerce agency Shopmacher has been working for the online mountain sports retailer Bergfreunde. But the collaboration is...
Employer branding: e-commerce agency Shopmacher sponsors Uniliga Necessity is the mother of invention – also when it comes to the shortage of skilled workers. The e-commerce agency SHOPMACHER is sounding out whether gamers can also make good online stores as...
How to future-proof your tech stack or: Forget ChatGPT, do your basic homework! Which channels will we use to sell tomorrow? And will online demand continue to fall or rise sharply again? Today, anyone facing the purchase of new software for their platform must...
Oxid meets Headless: How Hirmer brought its Oxid store Headless up to date again Veraltete Shop-Software bremst Online-Händler bei der Entwicklung zeitgemäßer Online-Features aus. Doch der komplette Wechsel von einem Monolithen hin zu einer Headless-Architektur ist...
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