5. Jun 2019

Wake-up call to retailers: Digitize – or die!

Thomas Ottersbach talks to SHOPMACHER CEO André Roitzsch about the problems of brick-and-mortar retail, approaches for growth and how retail could continue to change in the future.
Andre Roitzsch

Listen to the podcast:

Topics in the podcast:

  • greeting
  • Will we still need dealers in the future?
  • Will pure players become the new stationary retailers?
  • Does the small retailer still have a chance in the future or will only chain stores be able to assert themselves?
  • What do stationary retailers have to do in order to really be able to survive?
  • Why do digital services keep customers stationary?
  • Innovative and bold business models are needed
  • Learn from the pure players
  • Personalization and individual customer needs in retail – is that possible?
  • Can retail also learn from other sectors?
  • So which traders are not eligible?
  • How can the brick-and-mortar retailer collect data?
  • How can the extension of the data also be incorporated and used in inpatient settings?
  • The local rankings on Google is also an often untapped potential, isn’t it?
  • Can bricks-and-mortar retailers manage the changes on their own?
  • How do retail alliances not form? Doesn’t that make sense?
  • What can retail learn from the music industry
  • Is there even a “universal concept” for a functioning retail concept?
  • Does stationary retail have to diversify more and offer a complementary product range?


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